Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Training up a princess

When I started Gracie's room makeover most of you remember my post where I

got my inspiration from  a flea market chair

 I started planning the

urban shabby chic room with her

love of art and wild horses

working with a budget of only 300.00

dollars for my princess Gracie...

This weekend at the Irvine Flea my friend Rose

surprised me with a monogram sham for

Gracie. She also had this perfect salvaged shutter

with a chalk board center & hooks that she created.

I knew that would be a lovely addition to a dressing

spot for Gracie's room

Yes, picture this face when I showed it to her

she said " Oh wow now I see where your going "

I held back my laughter as I showed her the gift

from Rose. Then she replys " Have I met her?"  "Not

yet" I told her then she looks at me with all seriousness

" Mom I need to meet your friends"

then I had her in full {swoon} mode when I

revealed the Jersey sheets from Simply Shabby Chic

that are on their way for her bed

" Just like yours mom?" she was in heaven

Gracie was a bit concerned at first with my vision

for her room, as she pondered my ideas.

she speaks her mind with such confidence

and knows what she wants...

Having raised two older boys that are

now in college the good Lord should have

given me a handbook to prepare me for

looking into a mirror with my daughter

I am not sure if she needs to meet my

friends or if they need to meet her...

I decided to hang the bag the sheets arrived in

on a hanger in her closet for misc stuff

that a Princess might need...

I am looking forward to putting the final touches

before debuting her new

Urban Shabby Chic princess pad...

 I hope Sue laughs as much as we did about this

Gracie's father and I attended Open House.  Each

child was asked to write about their parents

{deep breath}

So we are standing there reading the opening line

My father builds homes for other people

and my mom " well she is a dealer and works hard selling

the stuff on the weekends"  (are you rolling on the floor

yet.) Of course Gracie's second grade teacher is NOT a warm fuzzy

at all and proceeds to show concern. The next day Gracie comes

home from school and says " My teacher is worried she needs to

know what kind of dealer are you?"

I could not stop laughing at how cute her little face was.

She said " I know that you have planned weddings mom for a long

time but I love that you have a new work!

There you have it from the mouths of babes...

loving this girl with all of my heart...

linking up to Kathleen's White Wednesday

and sending all of you much love...



  1. What a sweetie :) Great post--thanks for bringing a smile to my face and laughter to my heart. I love how Gracie's room is progressing. Wishing you and your family many blessings,

  2. Oh my gosh! your daughter is soooooo cute, love her! If I was her teacher for sure I would want to know the kind of dealer you are lol! Cant wait to see her finished bedroom!

  3. OMG That is the cutest story ever! She is just too adorable and so mature too. You must laugh daily with her around:) LOVE your photos of Gracies room. Very dreamy:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  4. That is so adorable!!! I know what you mean about teachers at school!!! I have a daughter who is exactly like me....what can you do besides laugh and go on!!!

  5. She's her mom's daughter, OK. Too funny about the teacher...what?...no sense of humor?...
    Looking forward to the big reveal! xoxo Debra

  6. All I can do is laugh, A teacher with NO sense of humor... Your daughter is a cute little thing, can't wait to see the room when it is done...


  7. Awwww, what a cute story! She's so beautiful! Her room looks like it's going to be gorgeous:) I have 3 boys and I do hope that one day one of them gives me a little grand daughter to spoil rotten!

  8. What a great room for a great girl.....lovely..i really like that chair.......love love Ria...xxx...

  9. She is adorable! I love all the pretty pieces for her special room.


  10. Rolling on the floor with you! That is so cute! Can't wait to see her room reveal!


  11. That is way too cute Kate!!! Your daughter's teacher sounds like my son's teacher. What ever happened to the sweet and loving elementary school teachers of the past? I guess in the past!
    I saw that awesome chalkboard shutter at the flea market on Sunday, it caught my eye! I can't wait to see how you've done Gracie's room, the accessories looks amazing!
    Have a beautiful day.

  12. She's so cute! Love that story! I think I'm going to want her shabby urban princess room for myself! :-)


  13. I don't know if Sue is laughing but Rudy and I are both laughing our butts off at her story.

    Loving it all and I can't wait to see it all complete!!

  14. You are right, I'm sitting here laughing. She is such a cute little kid. And I have to say, for some odd reason, I have that old song by Donna Summers in my mind right now, "She Works Hard for The Money"! Apparently that fits you to a "t"!!!

    Take care, Sue

  15. What a cutie Pie~~and a beautiful room :)
    I love the Irvine Flea Market too!

    Happy White Wednesday!

    Kay Ellen

  16. Yes. Kate, what kind of things are you dealing on the weekend?? hahaha......this is too funny. Don't you just love the things that come from the mouths of our sweet daughters. Mine always keep me laughing.

    Can't wait to see the big reveal of the Princess Pad for this adorable young lady:-)


  17. That is too funny about Gracie having a dealing mommy Kate!!! Her room is going to be awesome and I can't wait to see it.

  18. What a darling post~ love what she wrote for her school paper hee hee!! And what you are doing with her room is simply fabulous! Those sheets....LOVE! Did you order them from Target.com? I have not seen those ones in the store.
    The pillow, the shabby chippy shutter....too perfect. I can't wait to see how it all comes together!!!

  19. She's such a doll! Her room is looking so beautiful. I can't wait to see it finished!


  20. I am sooo Rolling! What a Hoot~Cheers Kim

  21. Thanks for the sneak peek Kate...can't wait for the final reveal!

    How I remember those breathless moments at open houses myself! Can't wait to share this great story with my kids!! Grace is just adorable!!

  22. Hey Kate!
    Yes, I am so laughing! Kids sure say the funniest things. Now I've got that Donna Summer song in my head from Sue's comment, ha-ha!
    Gracie's room is turning out so nicely, looking forward to seeing the finished product.
    We sure missed you at The Oaks this weekend. Hope you're doing well. Please tell your Mama I still pray for you two.
    Have a super blessed week!

  23. One look at Gracie and you can see this young lady has STYLE ... love the school story. I always wonder how some people got left out of the sense of humor department.

  24. I am LOVING your ideas here! That bedding is so pretty. This post makes me wish I had a little girl lol. <3 She is so cute. The style you're using is simply beautiful.

  25. Hi Kate~

    That is a hilarious story you told about your daughter and teacher! It did have me about rolling on the floor laughing! :) And oh! Her room is looking SO lovely and perfectly girlish and vintage! That is such a sweet pillow your friend made for Gracie, too! :)

    Oh, and I have a question about the sheet set you bought for her...you said you have the same ones. Do the ones you have stretch out as you use them? I have some, and I love the way they feel, BUT I do NOT like the way the pillow cases actually look on the pillow cases, all stretched out like. Maybe I should buy the same ones you did...

    I hope you have a beautiful day! :)

    {Beautiful Nest}

  26. Cute story! I always told my students' parents that I wouldn't believe everything your child tells about you if you don't believe everything your child says about me!! haha Love what you've accomplished in the bedroom! Soooo chic!

  27. Hi Kate!!
    Thanks for stopping by and the sweet comment! Gracie is TOO CUTE!! What a GREAT idea putting the bag the sheets came in up! Take care! XO

  28. Oh Kate,
    Gracie is fabulous!!!!

    And her room is going to be gorgeous.

    Kids say the darndest things (according to Art Linkletter...) My husband built a fireplace mantle last weekend for our daughter, and the TV sits above it. Her 3 year old daughter gets words mixed up and kept telling people her grandpa was building an ALTER for their TV... which may have caused some concern at church : )

    And you are a mom who is a dealer.... LOL!

    Your home decor is so pretty. Gracie must feel so blessed to have such a lovely room.

    ~ Violet

  29. Ms. Kate, Lil' Gracie reminds me of your momma. What a GREAT spirit. Her room is really comin' along. I wish I was there to help you. She's such a sweet princess and her mommy, the queen, has impeccable taste : )
    ~ Deanna
    PS I wanna know what kinda dealer you are too, lol

  30. I am a new follower looking forward to your blog!

  31. Beautiful image of the chair and pillow!

  32. Agh- Your daughter is so adorable! You are very lucky! I have a house full of boys, and how I tried to get a girl, but it just was not in my cards!!
    I can't wait to see the finish room! Maybe with a fantastic Vintage ruffle throw????
    -See you soon,
    Full Bloom Cottage


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