Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

I am so very honored to be nominated for this award by two very talented ladies first by Nothern Cottage and Cindy from Cottage Instincts. These ladies are sweethearts. Thank you both so very much!

Ok so here goes my SEVEN

1. I was adopted at age twelve, so my children are my heart...

2. I am a hopeless romantic......

3. I met my husband when I was eighteen he did not marry me until
I was forty two see post My Nottinghill I was on Long term lay away!

4 . I have been using wrinkle cream since age twenty everyone teases me about it ...

5. I cannot sing at all, but I do an amazing imitation of "Janice Litman" (the one Chandler can never get rid of ) from "Friends television series"
I do the laugh, big hair and all....

6. I draw moustaches on my children's faces with my eyeliner pencil when they are asleep they laugh when they wake up and see it
I never gave the kids a specific bed time & my sons have grown up just fine, I know what you are thinking about my parenting skills

7. And last but not least I was a late bloomer a total geek in high school I did not come into my own ( like a puppy with big paws) until I was almost thirty.

  Senior high photo

and for passing the award to the seven other amazing gals, I checked and my seven had already received this award.

Thank you to all of you lovelies who support me

my cup runneth over....



  1. Well deserved! I love your Notting Hill post, what an enchanting love story!
    Best of everything,

  2. You were lovely in high school Kate! I'm glad you're with the man of your dreams, and your kids are beautiful...how old are they?

  3. You are just darling!!! No bedtimes, ekkkk. I couldn't function, but I think you are a wonderful mother!!! :) happy day to you Kate!

  4. Hi Kate, I'm so glad you came by, I love the tidbits and hearing about you and your life. I love the story of you and your husband. Life is a mystery, and it's so wonderful to hear about how God put the two of you together!
    Blessings Girl,

  5. Kate, this was such a sweet post! you are so REAL.. I love that about you. I enjoy your blog and when I read about you imitating Janice from friends, I could totally see it. 2 Cute!
    Have a great weekend.

  6. Your blog is so pretty. I saw your comment at Blessed by Three Miracles about adoption and I just had to come over and say hi! I think it is such a wonderful thing!

    Your page is so pretty! And so are you! I need some wrinkle cream! I keep meaning to buy some. I love that white coat that you wear everywhere : ) and I also ADORE that white chandelier! So nice to meet you!


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