Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Days like this

When it's not always raining there'll be days like this
When there's no one complaining there'll be days like this
When everything falls into place like the flick of a switch
Well my mama told me there'll be days like this

here we are moments before Christopher left for his senior prom

looking a bit GQ aren't we

Christopher and Grammie

ok get ready for this


he was tucking in his shirt when his daddy captured this shot

Photo credit to my children's father Rick Maxwell

of Rick Maxwell Photography

Rick, thank you endless for being the man that you are!

Each milestone that our children make and we are able to

be with them side by side brings such joy to my heart

Our love for the kids has taught them

 that even in separateness

 Mom and Dad love them the most!

Well my mama told me there'll be days like this...

love, kate


  1. Kate, I hope I get to run into you to this time around at Country Roads.
    You are such a treat to hear from with your uplifting spirit. I can read the smile on your face with every post and comment.
    All us gals should have a picnic one day.
    That would be great.

  2. Oh Kate, what darling photos! And you look like you could be siblings! No way do you look like mother and son, uh uh.

    You are such a gentle soul. Your children are just so unbelievably blessed to have you as a mama.

    Love you, girl!


  3. ah, the awesomeness of young manhood! we watched three growing into that stage who are now in their thirties...:)

  4. Ahh, your son is so handsome! They grow up so fast! Enjoy days like this!

  5. Hi Kate,
    He is looking very GQ, well except for the hands in his pants photo....LOL!

    Kate, you are so gorgeous!

    Have a blessed day.


  6. Hi Sweetie,
    What a handsome guy...very GQ! Love the candid pic...too funny! I agree with Anne of Fiona and Twig...you guys look like siblings. Tell me your secret girl! Hope you are doing well and hope you had a very blessed Mother's Day! Sending you tons of hugs and kisses.

    Love ya,

  7. I love Van Morrison,and that song! Your baby boy is looking mighty fine there. Time passes so quickly when it comes to our kids. I think its pretty amazing you have a good relationship with your children's dad. Not everyone has that, and I know, personally, that makes it much better for your family!
    Take care, Sue

  8. Hi Kate, You look like you could be going to the prom:) Your son is very handsome and it is so great that you and your children's dad have such a great relationship. I am sure they will learn much from it.
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  9. How can you have a son going to Prom? Love the photos. Where does the time go? My son will be graduating 8th grade this year and sometimes when I look at him all I can think is "where did my little boy go?" Kinda sad, huh.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.


  10. Great song, great song, great song!!! what a sweet moment for the three of you!! He is just darling and I am sure he had a wonderful time at his prom....xo, Tara
    p.s. hope you are doing ok...miss you!

  11. Ok, I can't let that one go without a comment! When Rick showed me that photo, I was positively dying!!! So classic, and perfect for showing to his future girlfriends! And when my mom saw the photo of you and Chris, she asked if you were his date. So, thanks for making me look bad ;) Seriously though, this life we share is so amazing and wonderful and I am proud of the way you both make it work. Love ya Princess! :))

  12. I agree with everyone, you look like you ought to be his date! What a darling guy! Hope your day was a good one, Sweet Kate!
    Sending lots of hugs and love your way!

  13. To FUNNY my friend... enjoy this day that the Lord has made for you and me :)


  14. Hi Kate,
    What very precious photos....I have a tear in my eye thinking how fast our amazing children grow. You and your family are gorgeous!
    Happy day!

  15. what a handsome guy! wow, you must be so proud! you are amazing. can feel the love, kate. you write with your heart.

    beautiful photo of you two as well!

  16. What great moments...they grow up so fast.
    Enjoy every moment :)

  17. Oooh, he is a hottie! I want to see more pics! Did he have a date?
    How awesome that you and his dad can still get along and just love those kids! Sweet picture of your son and his grammie!


  18. Hi Kate ~ just checking up on several of your posts..... Your Son looks So Handsome, What a Big night for Him ~ So Happy that You & Their Dad have a good relationship when it comes to the Kids, Mine is Not So Lucky ~ So Sorry to hear you have been in Pain from Lupus, Please make sure you are Not having Anything with ANY Artifical Sweetners (Nutra Sweet) ~ None..... I have done alot of reading & this really can flair the problems ~ Not Preaching, just Sharing....
    Thinking Of You, Wishing you Strength & Comfort

  19. What a special post. You have such a deep and good heart...always. <3 Perfect pictures you captured!


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