Monday, August 2, 2010

Coffee, Me & the Flea

The girl had quite the weekend!!!

Most of you who follow know that I just love going to the flea with hubs

then seeing the sweet and talented Rose from the Tarnished Crown well

she had this old salvaged header which I fell in love with

it made into a new arrangement over my sofa...

then Rose surprised me with a handmade necklace that

she had made for my birthday

it was presented to me in that darling nest

and to add to my excitement of the flea

the other princess "K" designed these amazing cards

for me that have my bloggy web and my dealer space

at Country Roads so I felt extra special when I

could hand them out

she has a darling blog HERE 

"K"  also designs my blog for me

we had quite the family at the flea this past weekend

First up is Frank who is dealer # 13 at the STORE

Frank has an amazing space full of cowboy

very cool as he is, Frank was busy talking to pretty women

on Sunday so I had to interupt and get a photo op

then we have our charming Christina and her

hunky husband, he has a name but thats what I call him

Christina is dealer #64 and I love her coastal charm

and other wonders that she has.

She asked me how I had time to blog with all that

I have going on. Well I don't feed my family of course,

or clean. "Just teasing girls"  all these years of event planning

have truly given me the Master's in multi-tasking

then we had to stop by and see our friends

Ken and Irma from

the neat part is Irma is the cousin of the sweet Ana

these ladies are truly a delight

Ken and Irma always have a wonderful display

at Irvine and the Rosebowl Flea

new arrivals this week in my dealer space

I filled this old fishing basket with shells

then I bumped into this handsome guy and

luckily he gave me a lift home!

have a lovely week ladies


  1. Ahhh! My chippy white bookcase thingy is still there!! ;)
    Awesome birthday present!
    What an awesome friend!:)
    I so need to find a neat place to do my antique shopping without spending a fortune!!

  2. Aww, thanks Princess! I'm so glad you were happy with the cards and I love that you used the scripture print in your space. Made me feel extra special. Thanks for all the love!! YOU are a gift to MY heart. xoxo BTW, I want that white framed mirror!!!

  3. Dear Kate,

    It looks like you had a wonderful Saturday and got to visit with great friends. I love your dress, you look so cute and casual with your windblown hair!!

    Have an awesome Sunday!!


  4. Such neat stuff! Looks to have been a great time out.

  5. Oh Kate, looks like so much fun. What a great group of people you know and hang out with! And Great friends to make you such extra special gifts. I always love seeing how you put together your space at CR. just gorgeous!

  6. So many gorgeous things to comment about!! Where do I begin? Well, I think I'll start with that fishing basket you stuffed with shells and hung from the ceiling! Isn't that cute?!?!

    The arrangement above your couch looks lovely! Your new architectural header looks right at home there! It really has a great patina!

    And, of course, you! You look as beautiful as ever! Wish we had a flea like that around here! Glad you had a fun day!!

    love ya...


  7. Every time I see photos of your beautiful home, it reminds me of a magazine is so gorgeous. Yes I'm a color gal, but I can truly appreciate the beauty of a neutral space and girl yours is awesome! That looks like one of the most fun places to shop, I wanna go. Think I could drive over next time....LOL!!!


  8. I am in love with the old fishing basket!

  9. Great post and pictures! It's so cool for me to see my Country Roads family in other places. And Rose truly is an awesome person! I LOVE how everyone refers to Country Roads as "the store"! Don't know why but it warms my heart!

    Take care, Sue

  10. Your space is great! And I don't just say that, for the record. Looks like y'all have a marvelous time. The necklace is so sweet. Happy Birthday! ~Mindy

  11. uhg, I missed you again at the flea, darn it...I totally forgot it was this weekend! you look so cute in all of your photos girlie!! oh and guess what!! that is your urn my dear, i bought it from Robyn! Now it makes me LOVE it even more...sooo happy!!!! TGIW!

  12. Someone needs to get to your home and booth right away and photograph them ,you and your beautiful family for an upcoming magazine!!!!!!!!! I just love your blog! Always so beautiful. I am so glad you had a great time. I am also happy that you got to ride home with a hot hottie too:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  13. Wait? Is that your house? You have incredible style. I wish I could learn to decorate that tastefully. Its gorgeous. Also, Kate, thank you for your encouragement again! I wish you knew just how much your words uplifted me! Thank you.

  14. Kate~ I love your blog, your space and how you display your vintage finds! It makes me want to hit the flea markets tomorrow!! :) You and your family are just darling! I'll be back to visit!

  15. Dear Kate,

    I came across this blog. Thought you'd appreciate the style! I hope you enjoy browsing thru Velvet and Linen.



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