Saturday, September 18, 2010

That's Amore Chateau de Fleurs

This weekend was extra special as my sissy and I experienced

 the wonder of Chateau de Fleurs

Christie and Rita host this amazing event that is filled

with beauty, talent and packed with charm

the most darling Missy from Chateau Chic Boutique

her space was filled with such delightful items

darling Rita who was the most lovely hostess

Rita teaches wonderful class for

her exquisite jewelry

so much talent Rita has...

the lovely mother daughter team

my sis just loved all of my "peeps"

sissy spent most of her time with Abbey

Sara and Papa Fred

the lovely Sheila from Tattered Goods

my favorite piece in Sheila's space

we loved Jennifer & Mary from

Jennifer Skeen Design

they also sell at Urban Barn

my sis loves Halloween so guess where

 else she was hanging out

thank you to Dean (Rita's hubby for being our photographer)

besides the amazing Chef he is!!

sissy enjoyed Deb & Larry

she could see why I love my Deb!!!

she is the magic behind

So looking forward to their next show in December

I'm going to put Sue in my handbag

and take her along I just haven't told her yet

Ciao Bellas!!!!


  1. Kate what a pleasure to finally meet you! and what a day. I am so tired but can't sleep (Dean is still helping Missy load up at the Chateau!). Thank you for coming, you and your sister are a pleasure to have around. Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  2. Hi Kate ~ thank you so much for taking us along! Your photos are so wonderful ~ so many treasures to look at! Lots and lots of great ideas ~ thank you!!!

  3. This looks like so much fun!

    Sheila's booth looks amazing....I just love that girl's style! And a jewelry class would be awesome!

    Lucky girl!! Glad you had a good time!!



  4. Great post, and I keep promising Rita and Christie I'll make it out there one these times for their show. I was happy too see a pix of my buddy Christie in the last photo. She is truly the the best of the best! Thanks for all the photos.

    Take care, Sue

  5. These booths are beautiful. What a fun time to be had for all of you. I do think it'd take a certain amount of restraint not to eat up profits of my own booth by buying at all the other booths. lol...


  6. what a wonderful time it looks like!!!!

  7. Hi Kate,
    it was so good to see you finally make it our way, for the Marketplace :) I loved meeting your sister the 2 of you r GORGEOUS gals. I am sorry we did not hang out more as i am in a bit of a funk lately and not feeling very social :( I will need to get over myself and get back into the swing of things. I hope you have a fabulous Sunday with our family.

    Smiles and Blessings,

  8. Oh wow, what a fun day! I just loved the booths and merchandise! We have a fun weekend of harvest sales coming up around here that I am SO excited to attend! That hutch (was it gray?) was just fabulous! I am loving gray these days! ;-) Have a great week, Kate!!!

  9. Hey girlie! Sooo super great to finally meet you! You and your Hubs are just the cutest. It was so sweet of you to surprise me like that, and I just LOVE the little birds!
    Isn't it such a great group of gals? Christie, Rita and Dean are simply awesome. I'll be back in December so I guess I'll see you there! Maybe I'll run into you at your space sometime before that. It sure looks great in your last post.
    PS Thanks for the plug and all your prayers!

    Tons of Blessings,

  10. Such a delightful day amongst friends and beautiful finds. I can't imagine how fun their Christmas show will be. Thanks for sharing.


  11. That is my definition of pretty! What a beautiful show.
    P.S. Tell MyBryce to go ahead and plan on working that day and tell Sue she has no excuse not to go...Make Her!

  12. There is just NOTHING like this in my neck of the woods. Which might be a good thing for my wallet :) I loved every single picture....what a lovely group of gals you get to pal around with :)

  13. Hi Sweet Kate ...

    It was so great metting you and Robert once again and getting to know you both better ...and your sis is just as sweet as you. We so enjoyed talking with all of you and look forward to meeting up again sometime soon. Your an inspiration and a blessing. God has good things for you ahead.

    Blessings ...Sara

  14. ~*~*Looks like such a fun time!! Thanks for sharing Kate~*~* Hugs,Rachel

  15. Oh Kate, you took the best pics!
    Thank you for taking me there if only through these beautiful pictures. I am SO SAD that I was unable to make it there myself, but I'm REALLY looking forward to December's show!
    I'm so glad you had SO MUCH FUN, not once but twice, you could hear the excitement in your voice and it made me want to go that much more.
    Thank you again for allowing me to experience the event through you!

    Much Love!!!

  16. OOOH that looks like so much fun! What great booths with such cool things. It would take me all day to shop:) Glad you had a great time:)
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  17. Oh Kate how fun to see these pics from Rita and Christie's show! I am hoping to get to the one they are having in the Spring. I loved seeing the pic with you and Rita. So cute!!!

  18. Oh fun this looks!! Can't beat good times like these!! I'm happy to be your newest follower of your sweet blog and I'd love to have you as a friend at FrouFrou Decor! I'd also like to invite you to link your creations up at my link party - Fabulous Friday Finds! Hope to see you there!
    ~Terrell @ FrouFrou Decor~

  19. What a fabulous Show... I would have had to bring a U-Haul and tell The Man to work all the overtime he could to fund such an adventure! *wink* So much eye-candy I'm in a Shabby Delight Coma!!!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  20. Wow, what wonderful treasures! Looks like a great time. Hope to see you at Jamestown this weekend. Hope you are doing good.? Have a great week and thanks for sharing all the yummy pictures.

  21. Kate. Thank you for you sweet note on my blog. Please email me when you have a secound....I need to share something with you and and dont have your email!


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