Tuesday, November 2, 2010

White Wednesday " seasons "

as life changes you, each day brings forth new meaning...

like the seasons of change, I see through different windows of my soul

each day is a gift

a precious moment in time

where our choices affect

the heart of another...

linking up to Kathleen's

white brings such calm

even through the storm

a new season in #31

new furniture & garden items

for the holidays

new arrivals weekly

festive vintage glasses

for holiday entertaining

may each day unfold to you

a new window in your soul

filled with an abundance of  gratitude...

blessings to you...


  1. Beautiful,very elegant, I lake it!!!

    Kisses from Croatia.

  2. You always have such beautiful photos . Each day is a gift, and each gift a memory to cherish.

  3. Hi Kate. Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday. I'm off to bed now but just read through your past several posts; all so beautiful and heartfelt. The images will be twirling round in my head as I drift off to sleep. Blessings, Tammy

  4. Hello sweet Kate....what a lovely post,both photos and words! so glad I came by! x0

  5. Oh I just love that piece of coral, and your chippy white shutter on the wall is just gorgeous!

  6. Hey Sweet Kate...These vignettes are just beautiful...like a breath of fresh air for the soul (white does that)!! Wishing your mama a peaceful day!
    Love you Lots,

  7. Beautiful pictures as always as is your post! I couldn't find your email but I DID want to thank you so very much for sending in those Halloween jars with the crows for all of us at "the store". Your kindness & thoughtfulness made my day!!

    Take care, Sue

  8. Wowwww....Kate beautiful white post........amazing i really like what i see here.............lovely day warm hugs from me Ria.....

  9. I am drooling over your gorgeous table! I love it! I also adore your slipcovered chair and that great pillow. Your cloches are terrific, too!:)

  10. Love your whites!
    Happy WW! Tete

  11. Love your photos--very soothing. Happy White Wednesday and have a great week.

  12. Beautiful....elegant...calming...

    love it!

    Lou Cinda ;)

  13. Your photos and your words are always so beautiful. Enjoyed these..especially that giant cloche. Take care, Kate.

  14. Lovely post with lovely photos. Such simple, pretty elegance!


  15. Wow-you have such great taste-everything looks so perfect together!

  16. I am always inclined to stay forever, listening to the music and soaking in your pictures! The white shutters were calling me to today. Beautiful. ~Mindy

  17. Beautiful Kate!! You make the prettiest vignettes~*~Hugs,Rachel

  18. Pretty vignettes!

    Susan and Bentley

  19. Always such prettiness here at Salvage Dior!! You ooze style Kate!



  20. OMG, what beautiful whites... your chair is just gorgeous,and love the table too!!! Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments! Happy White Wednesday... Blessings~~ Daphne

  21. ...Wow I am crushing on the table coral & tumblers!

  22. Such powerful words and so true. I agree....white is very claming. Some people think it's boring, but it speakes to me like no other color.

    Wishing you happiness.


  23. Hi Kate,
    I love your photos, they speak to me and my spirit. I want to jump up and decorate, move things around and then I realize it's not just the photos, it's your text... your words. An abundance of gratitude as you say ~ you give back to the soul here. Thank you.

  24. Oh, I love the green touches in your space!! And the domes are always so perfectly displayed!! I need to hunt down more treasures like yours! Except I'd want to keep them own, not put them in our space, LOL!
    I love your slip-covered chair!!!

  25. White is so simple yet so elegant and you showcase it beautifully!

    Have a wonderful white wednesday!

  26. Each post you do is such a wonderful little gift to us, the readers.

  27. Always So Beautiful....
    Your Vignette, Photos & Words ~ Have a Blessed Week... xox

  28. Happy White Wednesday Sweeite. Hope you're doing well...Sending you tons of hugs.

    Love you,

  29. You are a master at vignettes! Such a beautiful blog... I've just become a follower and look forward to more!

  30. sweet poems. Love the whites, can't wait until I am able to have some in the house.

  31. You say the nicest things. Thank you for always encouraging me. Your gentleness whispers to my heart. I believe you are more beautiful because of the suffering you endure. I have not been to So. Cali in 8 yrs. and have never been to Country Roads, but I do know that your corner would be my destination. That white coral just grabs me! Beautiful beautiful display. ox` kerrie

  32. hey awhile back you had blackbirds as display items, where did you find those?? went to flagstaff and couldnt find them at michael's...let me know. xoxoxo

  33. Hi sweetie,
    If I ever get Country Roads I would head straight to your space. You really find the good goods.
    Your writing today is so lovely Kate. I wonder if this is why white speaks to me so much. It calms me, soothes me, and quiets my soul.
    Thank you for stopping by and blessing me today.

  34. Beautiful as always Kate, I hope you are feeling wonderful! Theresa xoxo

  35. All those whites & browns totally warmed me up on such a cold day! Just gorgeous!

  36. Hello Kate, Your photos and words speak of
    G R A C E
    B E A U T Y

    I have just recently come across your blog and am a follower now too. This morning I read some of your posts from the summer and was so touched by the parts of your life story you shared...

    What a ~W O N D E R~ it is when God takes the hurtful things of our pasts and creates beauty. I was reminded of the scriptures of 'turning our mourning into dancing' and giving us 'garments of praise for spirit of heaviness' ...
    and God 'creating beauty from ashes'

    Broken pieces, chipped white paint, rust, tarnished. Seen through His eyes we are such treasures, displayed for His Glory...

    T R E A S U R E D and P R E C I O U S
    in His sight

    Perhaps that is why these old flea market things
    speak to us so?

    God Bless you, and wrap you in His arms today,
    ~ Violet

  37. So calm and inspiring, Kate. I love the new little shabby table. I'm addicted to these little guys! Hope you have a wonderful week,


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