Monday, March 7, 2011

these are the days

this place is where I escape the worries of my heart...

be still my soul

the "L" monster or mama's cancer

have no room here...

having a few moments to 

chat with Sue about her grandbabies

makes my heart warm 

the simple things matter the most...

just a simple smile from a customer

or another dealer

makes everything seem better...

knowing I belong...

knowing I have a place...

knowing it was meant for me...

loving every moment

every minute

every second... 

till we meet again

please forgive any absence I have on your blogs

mom & I are in the hills and valleys

thank you so very much for all of the love,

prayers and well wishes


I'm linking up to the lovely Kathleen's

Happy White Wednesday!!!



  1. oh Kate, I am sending you big hugs for you and your mama. You have been on my mind and I just finished your crown yesterday.
    I saw the sadness in your eyes when asking about your mother. My heartaches for you.
    You are so strong girl but it is natural to want to escape from it all, with the weight of it all on your shoulders. It must feel so good to be able to escape to a place so lovely as CRs.
    Please know that you can email me anytime or text me when you feel the need to talk.
    Take care sweetie and give your mama hugs from me.

  2. Yup still loving those pillows! When are you going back to CR? I want to come and shop (well, more likely window shop), and you could meet Rilee. You will love her :) Either that or you will have to come by the house sometime soon.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs!! xoxo

  3. Take your time with your mom darling.....we wait !!!...hope she feeling not too bad right now,.....i will pray for her....and you of shop looking wonderful !!!....

  4. I can think of no one better to provide a soft place to land and voices to soothe that Sue and her CR family. God has placed you in a special place with special people to help during your difficult times. My prayers are with you and your mother.

  5. Hi Kate,
    Take care of you and your family. We will be here, keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Your space looks wonderful and I am so glad it provides a safe haven for you. Sending you blessings and well wishes,

  6. Hi Kate,
    Blessings to you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful, soulfull spot.
    It's so pretty.


  7. Just a beautiful space. So comforting and safe. I really love it.
    Blessings to you and your family~

  8. Hi Kate,

    My heart reaches out to you from afar. I'm happy you have Country Roads to relieve your stress and escape your worries. It's a positive diversion.

    Your space looks wonderful! You have such a good eye and always make sure every little thing screams KATE! You have great style and impeccable taste!



  9. Hi Kate, I am so happy that you have a creative outlet to just be. That is such a great thing for you. Know that you and your Mom are ALWAYS in my prayers. Your photos are gorgeous as usual. Love stopping by to say hello. Sending you big vintage hugs:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  10. And you like my photos.....WOW!!! Talk about them all and I must tell you that your note made my day!! x0x0

  11. Praying for you and Mama my sweet friend...


  12. Beautiful post Kate~My prayers are with you and your mom~ Hugs, Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  13. Dear Kate, our Prayers are with you and your Mom, I'm so glad you have your special Sanctuary Place to rest and restore your Soul. We each need those places in our lives to restore our Calm, our Peace and get back to Center when Life seems to be pulling us every which way. Having been in the Valley recently myself I can attest to how very important it is to have the escapes we need... I've found The Land of Blog to be such a place virtually, which was an unexpected surprise.

    Blessings and Healing Energy sent your way from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  14. Just enjoy your time together.I will keep you and your mother in my prayers for sure.~Blessings Kim

  15. Prayers for you two!
    I'm dying over the little cabinet with the arched much?

  16. Hi Kate,
    Beautiful images...soothing and comforting.
    I too, am in the hills and valleys with my Mom as she struggles with leaving us. I will keep you both in my prayers.
    Take care, Laura

  17. I am brand knew to your blog. I am a big Country Roads fan and don't live far from there. I will be visiting your shop soon. My
    prayers go out to you and your Mom.

  18. Hi Kate...sending you both hugs across the miles! I am proof that blog love is strong. Keeping you both close in my prayers...take care!


  19. I am glad you have a place that brings you peace...keeping you in my prayers...XO

  20. Most of all you and your mother have a place in God's heart. May you feel his peace and comfort in the days to come. God bless.

  21. Sweet Ms. Kate,
    My heart, my love and my prayers go out to you and your mom. Stay strong in the Lord my dear friend, He will help you through those hills and valleys.

    Love ya tons,

  22. Oh, my dear friend ... Thank you for stopping by my blog today. I am healing, though slowly. I am thankful for all your prayers. I'm now sending prayers to you and your Mother. I KNOW those hills and valleys can be a challenge, but know that the good Lord ALWAYS walks with you. Please take care my dear friend.
    Your friend always ~
    PS Please tell your sweet Mother I said hello and that I hope that she is feeling better : )

  23. love you my friend!! the baby's bday party is april 2nd. if i can get over to visit in that weekend i will. i will call. xoxoxoxo

  24. love you kate!! big hugs while you are in your hills and valleys my dear, mwahhh!


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