Wednesday, March 27, 2013

" Standing in the Gap "

If you have ever had your heart touched to reach out

to someone who is unable then you

understand great things happen when

you " stand in the gap "

This is our season of grace...

I remind myself whenever I meet

someone, each one of us hold our own story

and my heart reaches out with love.

When this new year rang in I was on shaky ground facing

complications with Lupus that I was quite honestly afraid of.

I thought about where God has seen me through

and now where I stood.

I was staring down at the hard fact that

we had some choices to make. Treatment plans had to be decided

 and life would once again change for me.  As I looked over numbers

of the medical cost and how my kidneys were now affected

 my heart just sank.

The ground shook and so did my faith

for the first time as I was truly weak.

Then something beautiful happened...

Those who love us went forth and

decided to " stand in the gap ".

When you first hear that term you think

"to fill in a space".

That is exactly what took place

 but in such a deeper way.

There was a great distance that had arose

from where I was to where I needed to be.

I pretty much at the start was

paralyzed by my deepest fears.

My best girlfriends who are such beautiful women

 began to hold me up with their love, prayers

and constant reminders of God's promise

that we stand upon.

Then the precious blessing began to bloom

inside the heart of Mr. Dior

These past months I have watched God take my husband

on a journey where he "went to the wall" for me in every way possible.

He moved forward no matter what obstacle

was placed before him. He stayed true to the man

that was committed to fighting for his wife and family.

 Never a word of complaint, never

a word of tiredness or weary,

just his beautiful smile and love spilled over.

Each day he reached a point where he gave

all that he had for us and then some.

Then provisions were given through love

and greater blessings poured out upon us.

As we sat together in church hand in hand

last Sunday tears filled my eyes while

I whispered praises in my heart.

We are rejoicing in the glory

while " grace like rain " is falling upon us...

We are now in a new beautiful valley

where God has so righteously placed us.

I am filled with so much love for this man

and those that I could not imagine my life without.

To my dearest friends, fellow bloggers and readers,

thank you for your love, continued support

and above all for your prayers that

" stand in the gap "

on our behalf.

Linking up to the lovely

With much love in my heart I wish all of you

a blessed Easter Sunday.

He is risen

He is risen indeed!


  1. This post blessed me today. Thank you.

  2. Oh..tears in my eyes.....what a beautiful post...what a beautiful couple you are !!..he is risen !!...happy easter you !!

  3. Love HIM and him (Mr. Dior). He is awesome as you both are deserving of one another.

  4. He is risen, indeed! What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your blessings and gratitude here. Happy Easter to you and yours!


  5. Lovely post Kate, I pray strength and blessing to you. Hugs

  6. Sweet, beautiful sister in Christ...I praise God with you for the husband that the Lord so thoughtfully gave you and for all of those that stand in the gap on your behalf. We are worthy because of Jesus. Praise God for Him!!!

    Happy Easter and yes, He is risen!!

  7. What a wonderful testimony to God's grace, and to the love you and your husband share! May God continue to bless you and give you strength! Happy Easter!

  8. Sweet Kate!
    Oh how I this post...such beautiful heartfelt words. Wisdom, strength and grace from the Lord have been placed on this mans heart by our heavenly Father. The Lord has a plan my friend and he will reveal even more wisdom and more strength and grace to you... as you know our walk with him is sometimes rocky. We do not always understand and often get hurt on the way but halleluiah grace like rain does fall on us and it is beautiful and worth every trial we go through my friend. Draw near to those who bring out the glory and let it shine on all friend or foe, sickness or health.


  9. This is such a lovely post, Kate...I am glad you have such wonderful faith and are blessed by so many who love and care for you! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter! XO

  10. So, so good, my friend. Thank you for sharing and for being in the gap for others as well.

  11. Blessings Sweet One! I wish you well and pray you hold your own with this illness.You are such a sweet soul and offer so much to many~K.Marie

  12. He is risen, indeed, dear Kate. My prayers go out to you, your God sent husband, and all those who continue to lift you up. You're a true inspiration. Happy Easter.

  13. We Love You Kate . . . and the Mr. too!
    BIG HUGS from TEXAS !!

  14. Oh sweet Kate! I often think of you when I hear about and your husband are such a blessing to others, what a great example of love. God is so good! Just know your blog family loves you too :)
    Happy Easter!

  15. He has risen indeed! Oh Kate God watches over us all.He has a plan and that plan included your amazing husband!What a blessing to have the wonderful support of your family and friends too in each and every way!Happy Easter.

  16. A very beautiful post. I am so sorry that these difficulties have come up-isn't funny how something like this can show us all of our blessings in technocolor. I'll be praying for your journey.

  17. Awesome! Its great that you have Mr. Dior there to help you. God works in mysterious ways.

  18. that is so beautiful!!!!! Have a wonderful Easter!

  19. Oh, Kate just know that i am walking in faith that mountains will be moved for you, that you will have strength in knowing God is caring for your health. I am standing in the gap for you, and praying for healthier days ahead. Mr. Dior is a man of men, a testimony to what a husband who walks with God is all about. Your blessings are in abundance, taking refuge in his wings.

    I am taking a moment to pray for you right now!
    Standing in the word that bigger blessings are on there way to you.

    Love to you and your Mr. Dior

  20. I love where you said fill in space and standing in the gap...Then closing with Grace falling down like Rain.. I love words and those were no doubt powerful indeed. YOUR MR. Dior is an amazing man who loves his wife and Rightly so...YOUR an amazing light in this world . I will put you in my prayer journal and pray continue wellness upon you ..HUGS and prayers for your family this Easter season... HUGS

  21. Dearest Kate, Oh how I am singing praises with you and Mr. Dior! GOD has put a wonderful man in your life as he did mine...standing with you, physically, emotionally, and spiritually! I am the HEALED of the LORD and I decree that you are the HEALED of the LORD! Blessings and Happy Resurrection Day~~~Roxie

  22. Beautiful post....
    Happy Easter!

  23. Although my heart breaks for the health problems you continue to have to face, what a blessing that your man is stepping up and being the man that God wants him to be. Through difficulty should come growth and he truly seems to have a servants heart. It truly is a beautiful thing.

  24. You are such a beautiful soul. Your words of faith and trust have lifted us all up. Thank you for such a beautiful moment.

  25. I admire your faith and thank you for sharing this with me. Wishing you a wonderful holiday and I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  26. I am new to your blog and what a wonderful faith filled post
    Gods Blessings to you and your husband
    Trust God

  27. Happy Easter, to you and your family Kate.
    What a blessing YOU are, my wonderful friend.
    Huge hugs and much love from your "Jersey Girl".

  28. Hi Kate ~~~ Just wanted to say God is with you Always and his grace will be poured into your life through Jesus ~ I believe that for you.

    I hope this Easter day has been full of joy for you and your family.

    Pearl 13.1

  29. Now I know why this morning I felt compelled to look for your blog. I was wondering about you and how you were doing and then when I read this beautiful testimony to your wonderful husband I knew why. I have no doubt my husband would rise to the occasion if I were in your shoes and for this we are lucky girls. Keep the faith beautiful lady.

  30. Oh my Kate, this post is so touching it brought me goose bumps and tears. It's easy to see the tremendous love you have for each other. Together you two move mountains. You have both been so strong through this battle and God has blessed you both. I think of you often Kate and know that you are in my prayers. Your are the sweetest of sweets my dear friend! Thanks for sharing your love for Mr. D with Share Your Cup.

  31. Kate, your faith, love of God, grace in the face of obstacles and your complete and utter love of your husband, family and friends is an inspiration.

    I think of you and your struggle often and pray for you. I know that God is working thru you to inspire your readers.

    I think you are a very lucky lady to have such a rock and pillar of strength for a husband.


  32. Oh, precious girl, my heart just ached and praised in hope for you. God is the God of the Ages-highest of all and He will see you through this as you have already confessed your hope and belief in him. I've heard recently in some things that I have been going through that fear is the opposite of faith. On some levels that may be true, but nothing can separate us from God's grace, Oh His wonderful grace. So it's hard for me to believe all of that because I know that fear is an emotion that He created and He, His grace is enough to see us through. Oh, precious friend, thanks for the reminder. God has blessed you with a wonderful partner who is a little piece of God on earth. Bless you my friend. Prayers!

  33. Hi Kate! I just found your blog and was in awe of your beautiful ideas. Then I came upon this one. As I set here in tears, I somehow feel like I have known you forever. Your words just melted my heart. You see, I have fibromyalgia and am in excruciating pain everyday of my life. Today I am 1/4 of what I was 4 years ago. It's so hard not to ask why? However, reading your words was like the words that I could never say came pouring out. I too, have an amazing husband that has been there through it all with me. God sent him to me I know that! We just had our 18th anniversary and I was too sick to celebrate. I am praying for you and will be checking back often. Praise God we have two that "Stands in our Gaps"! Gentle Hugs!!

  34. Hi Kate! I just found your blog and was in awe of your beautiful ideas. Then I came upon this one. As I set here in tears, I somehow feel like I have known you forever. Your words just melted my heart. You see, I have fibromyalgia and am in excruciating pain everyday of my life. Today I am 1/4 of what I was 4 years ago. It's so hard not to ask why? However, reading your words was like the words that I could never say came pouring out. I too, have an amazing husband that has been there through it all with me. God sent him to me I know that! We just had our 18th anniversary and I was too sick to celebrate. I am praying for you and will be checking back often. Praise God we have two that "Stands in our Gaps"! Gentle Hugs!!


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